Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Signature - Peace

By now those of you who've seen me or my posts anywhere know that my signature is Peace. I feel really strongly about Peace and the need for wars to cease; I abhor war. The war in Iraq has cost the world so many lives, so many beautiful young men and women gone because we could find no solutions to the problems created by our differences; some would say greed. You can go here to find out how to offer your support to veterans of the Iraq war and to see what others are doing.

The current situation in Iran has brought tears to my eyes. That peace can so easily be destroyed is a dreadful thing, that lives can be held so cheaply is horrific... Read more about the situation here.

In support of peace I've posted my signature earrings on Etsy today. I hope some of my readers/followers will get themselves or a loved one a pair and make a small statement about the way they feel about peace too. I will be contributing $1.00 from the sale of each of my signature earrings to AdoptaPlatoon, they have a very profound quotation by Douglas MacArthur at the entrance to their website, "The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." AdoptaPlatoon is a volunteer based nonprofit 501C-3 Soldier Support Effort® founded in 1998. They are dedicated to serving deployed United States Service Men and Women ensuring that they are not forgotten by a grateful Nation.

In any event, do your best wherever you are and in whatever company you find yourself to promote peace. Peace perfect peace, love and harmony. Remember to practice first at home.

Wow, this is not my usual bubbly outburst but sometimes life is just too serious.

Be well folks, meditate, pray, call upon the Creator for guidance.



Friday, June 19, 2009

My first foray into the world of blogging, hmmm...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life; my best days are ahead of me; tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow. The foregoing are all phrases that indicate that I need my future to be bigger than my present and fully expect it to be so. This blog is one of my first baby steps towards that goal.

I shut my eyes tightly, click my heels three times and say, "there's no place like home, there's...." Wait, what am I doing? That's Dorothy and she's lost. Ok, so let me try something else, I shut my eyes tightly again, remember who I am and whisper loudly (lol), "I am an entrepreneur, I am an entrepreneur". Hmm, am I home yet? Dang, that Dorothy is persistent. Oh well; if this is the yellow brick road why don't you take a chance and follow me on it? I promise to be good, well, to try really hard to be good and to let you share in some of the fun I have on the journey.

While you follow me please note that I have a beautiful shop on Etsy, the world's largest, online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade. My shop is and since the yellow brick road keeps popping up check out this piece from my shop, not exactly a brick road but cute right?

Oh, I have good news already!! LISTEN UP, LISTEN UP, shhh everyone be quiet, I have a life changing announcement... Anyone who follows me on this blog journey gets 10% off any purchase made in my Etsy shop - for life!! Cool huh? Well what are you waiting for? Follow. Oh, I almost forgot, if you can't wait for my blogs which I confess right now may not be daily, you should follow me on Twitter. My Twitter channel is .
Here you'll get the most up-to-date deals, steals and updates from my shop and from my crazy, random, fun world too.

Well that's all for now folks, y'all come back soon y'hear.

